Saturday, 30 November 2013

3 ways to change the world

     Currently, there are a lot of problems in the world, but luckily we are here to stop these. And when I say stop , I don't mean raising millions of dollars to stop poverty in 3rd world countries. I mean doing something small in your neighbourhood that benefits someone.

          So, the first way to change the world is by donating clothes, food or other things that you don't need. If you don't have clothes that you don't fir you anymore, don't throw it out. Donate it. Think of all the other people in your community or in other countries than can use it. For example : Remember the time when the earthquake hit Haiti and all those people left homeless and without food or clothing? Donating all those food, clothes, blood and SHOES really helped them pull through the tough times. So therefore donating even a tiny piece of clothing can make a big difference in someone's life. Making donations is an easy way to help out.
          Another way you can change the world is to plant trees in your neighbourhood. Trees are being cut at an unprecedented rate. But the big problem isn't that the trees are being cut, it's that they aren't being replaced. Planting trees are an easy and helpful thing that we can do. It helps even out the number of the trees being cut and it does a lot of positive things to our neighbourhood. They provide privacy, shade, give oxygen, clean/purify the air and they add beauty to our surrounding. It might not be useful now if you plant a sapling, but in the future someone might find it useful. "Someone's sitting in the shade because someone planted a tree a long time ago" - Warren Buffet
AmazON           AmazOFF
Not only is planting trees helpful but it's also fun to do
          My last and final way to change the world is to conserve water and energy (electricity) when you can. Only 10% of the world is freshwater. Us here in Canada use 20 % of it. The same applies to energy. Canada consumes about 550 billion kwh (kilo watt hours) annually. An average North American house consumes about 10,600 kwh per year. Each kwh is worth 8-9 cents. We should save more energy. We are lucky to be living in a 1st world country with all these luxuries. We need to save all these resources because there is only so much of it left.
Every drop of water counts
          Here are some easy tips you can follow to save water and energy in your home.

·  Turn off lights, TV's and other appliances when not needed
·  Wash laundry on cold water
·  Take short showers instead of showers
·  Replace incandescent with energy efficient bulbs. They are 4 times efficient and last 8 hours longer
·  Use appliances during off peak hours.

          So overall, you don't need to be a millionaire to make a difference. Just do small things and eventually they will make a big impact.

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